Royal investigation

Royal investigation

The phone call abruptly woke Sam and made him jump on the crumpled bed. He sleepily rubbed his eyes and looked at the wristwatch, which he had forgotten to remove in the evening. Like in the evening, he came home in the morning and, completely unconscious, went to bed without undressing. Last night was full of a variety of events, ranging from binge in the bar and ending with an attempt to go along the edge of the suspension bridge. Sam worked a lot and only occasionally allowed himself to relax in full. The clock showed nine thirty. The working day began at eight, which meant that only the boss could call him, although he appreciated him as an employee, he did not give concessions. Morally prepared for the convictions, screams and threats of dismissal, Sam picked up the phone.

“Yes, Mr. Harrison.” — Sam made the most peppy tone.

— Where the hell are you? I swear to God that if you don’t be here in a minute, I’ll fire you! — Mr. Harrison began to switch to ultrasound, — I will deprive you of a bonus, monthly salary and vacation!

“Mr. Harrison, Jim, I'll be there soon, sorry, yesterday was a hard night.”

— I give you half an hour and that the material was ready for dinner. We have a trial in a week, and yet nicherta is not ready! — Jim's voice became calmer. — Get ready and go straight to me, understand?

— Yes, sir. I will be soon.

Sam hung up and stretched out sweetly, letting his body wake up completely. Hot coffee, a morning cigarette should have returned it to normal. Indeed, the court was in a week, and there was very little material. He investigated the case of the missing girl, by a combination of different circumstances, he found the one who abducted her, but the suspect denies his involvement in the abduction and says that he has no idea where she could be. The defendant’s guilt has been practically proved, it remains only to find the victim and carry out the identification, if she is still alive. Sam graduated from law and really wanted to be a lawyer, but life turned out differently, now he is a senior investigator and detective, very successful, by the way. He believed in what he did and almost never lost. In his department, crime detection was the highest and that is why Jim Harrison appreciated him and still has not fired him.

— Allow. — Sam knocked on the translucent door of the chief.

— Come in already. Well, you have a vidok, ”Jim raised his thick eyebrow. “Where have you been all night?”

— Long story. Today I found another clue in the case of the missing girl, Elizabeth Taylor. Remember, the defendant said that he lived on the highway in a house, not far from the forest? So, I found out that in a radius of two or three miles there is nothing there but a forest and a river. However, digging around a bit in the history of that locality, I found that four miles from his house there was an old bunker from the time of the war.As far as I know, it was destroyed and nobody cared. It’s worth checking, what do you think?

“What the hell are you still here?” — Jim jumped up from his seat. — A week has passed since we took it, if the victim is still there, then we have very little time, if we are not late at all. Go! Alive!

— Are you going with me?

“I have to make sure we are not late.” — Jim's voice faltered. “She has nothing at all.”

— Nineteen.

“Yes, nineteen.” Let's go already.

An hour later they were already in place, getting with flashing lights and a siren in order to be in time. The old bunker was destroyed, but there was one whole room in which the homeless or drug addicts sometimes slept. Two detectives burst into the room with their weapons at the ready, but found nothing. In the corner are cut ropes, fragments of a woman’s dress and a handbag.

“Well, at least she was here, and if we didn't find her dead, then she could be alive.” It gives us hope.

“Jim, I will find her, I promise.” And I’ll plant this bastard for the rest of his days. It is not known what he did with her while he was holding here.

“I know what you find, I know.” — Jim Harrison thoughtfully scratched his chin, — call the group, it's worth checking everything here.

For Sam, finding a girl was a matter of duty. He never saw her, never knew her personally, but studying her case in detail, he already knew that he was obliged to find her. Now it was necessary to question the defendant, but first wait for the results of the examination. If there is even a piece of his DNA in that bunker, then he will not go anywhere. It is worth it to squeeze it and he will tell everything.

Toward evening, a telephone rang. They called from the forensic department.

“Sam, we found something, come.”

— I'm already on my way.

Having gathered quickly, after half an hour, he was already at the doorstep.

“Leo, don’t pull it anymore, lay out what you have.”

Leo, an old expert who helped him more than once, is a good friend of Sam and a great professional in his field.

“We brought in equipment to check for stained blood stains and good lighting.” You should take a look yourself.

Leo took out a dozen photographs from the folder and began to show one after another.

— Watch attentively. See the spots? This is blood. We checked everything, it was very difficult to collect the sample since everything was carefully washed out, but we didn’t do it with our fingers. In general, the DNA results will be in the morning, but I'm almost a hundred sure that it is him.

Отредактировано: 24.11.2019