Книга. "Бог Всегда прав" читать онлайн

Бог Всегда прав

Бахрам Расулов

В тексте есть:бог, все, богатырь

1 499

Текущий рейтинг:
#89242 в Любовные романы

Полный текст 1 стр.

Публикация: 28.01.2020 — 29.01.2020

Скачать: epub mobi fb2 (2 загрузок)

Аннотация к книге "Бог Всегда прав"

The cycle changes over time.
The period does not stop from time to time.
It is in the Law of our lives.
It is the creator of two beings who creates two.

I have the ability to think and understand.
See how God created man.
Commands two creators.
In sin, the reward is written in sin.

Look at the people in need.
Healthy people living with a healthy spirit.
There is this blessing that is with you today.
All thinking is yours alone.

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