Книга. "Всегда прав" читать онлайн

Всегда прав

Бахрам Расулов

В тексте есть:правда жизни

1 1293

Текущий рейтинг:
#29305 в Любовное фэнтези
#2730 в Научная фантастика

Полный текст 1 стр.

Публикация: 27.01.2020 — 29.01.2020

Скачать: epub mobi fb2 (1 загрузок)

Аннотация к книге "Всегда прав"

Don't Know the Right.

From whom am I talking, as I listen?
Everyone is talking to me.
A person who does not know what the right is.
Justice teaches me honesty.

One who does not go to prostration once, man.
You are God
How do you know?
Ignorant people who do not believe.
Smart, from the prestige of reputation.

First look at yourself.
Then Think!
Who knows you all?
If you see these actions.
You can make a difference.

You are as cheap as paper.
The paper is useful to the author.
It's nice to live bravely, on the floor.
Anyway, he'll tell the wrong person.

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